Why Did Friedrich Hayek Call Expansionary Spending Dangerous?

Why Did Friedrich Hayek Call Expansionary Spending Dangerous

Expansionary policy is a type of macroeconomic policy that stresses the need to increase economic growth in a nation. It is a solution that came about through Keynesian economics. The purpose is to help with the situation during an economic meltdown. It is relevant during recessions to regulate or control a dwindling economy, which may be a result of many economic downfalls.

The question is, why did Friedrich Hayek call expansionary spending dangerous?

Are you still wondering why Friedrich Hayek called expansionary spending dangerous? Well, here’s what you need to know. Friedrich Hayek said expansionary spending is toxic to the economy because he concluded in his studies that it could cause inflation and force consumers to make bad decisions. Hayek explained that a person could only make the right decision when buying concerning cost-benefit to get the maximum total profit. However, expansionary monetary policy forces individuals into making poor decisions, which later leads to regrets and inflation.

Continue reading for more useful information on this topic!

What Is An Expansionary Policy?

Expansionary policy is an economic policy in which the main goal is to increase economic growth by decreasing the payment of taxes and rising capital supply.

A Brief History Of Friedrich Hayek

Friedrich Hayek is a well-known economist born in Vienna, Austria, in 1899. He is famous and highly sought for his discoveries in economics and political philosophy. Hayek’s methodologies mainly have its roots from the Austrian college of economics and expound on the limited disposition of knowledge.

He is also famous for advocating free-market capitalism and receives special recognition as one of the greatest pundits of the socialist method of economic growth

Friedrich Hayek came forth as the winner of The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in the field of economic science in remembrance of Alfred Nobel (the Nobel Prize for Economics) in 1974. He passed away on March 23, 1992.

The Views Of Friedrich Hayek

Hayek was popularly known for his contributions towards economic growth, of what we now call Austrian economics. He was one of the first significant members of the Austrian school to be born and raised in the nation.

Most of Hayek’s findings from the 1920s down through the 1930s were in the Austrian concept of business cycles, capital theory, and monetary theory. Hayek related all three components together. He decried that the major challenge facing the economy is how the system regulates people’s decisions.

The public concluded that Hayek approached the economy and worked in an unplanned manner stating that the market did not come as a result of any individual but developed gradually as the result of people’s actions. He instigated that the market does not function correctly. When the market fails to regulate people’s plans and decisions, it ultimately leads to a large number of people being unemployed.

One major problem he saw was that increases in the capital supply in banks decrease interest rates. Such increases, he disputed in Prices and Production, would radically reduce interest rates, thereby ultimately making credit of low cost.

Entrepreneurs would generate capital investments that they would not have access to if they understood that they were receiving a distorted capital through the credit market. However, capital transactions are not identical.

Long-term investments are easily prone to change interest rates than short-term investments, even as long-term bonds are more capital prone than treasury income. Therefore, Hayek concluded that man infused low-interest rates can not only cause investment rates to increase rapidly but can also lead to “mal-investment.”

Hayek concluded it as a healthy and vital correction. The method to prevent the busts, he disputed, is to avoid the booms that lead to them

Keynes Vs. Hayek

The significant difference between these two economists was that Keynes regarded money as an essential ingredient for a blossoming economy. You might wonder if it was the goal of economics to get more money. However, he treated money as wealth. Also, he emphasized the fact that normal economic activity is overrated, and we should treat it lightly.

Hayek regarded money as an instrument. To him, it is an intermediary and works as a way to an end. The primary aim of money is to manufacture the physical goods and services that customers want. Job opportunities are also a means, but they are not the end in themselves

To him, people participate in jobs for a better livelihood, to ensure food is on their table. As a result, actual growth means the production of what the masses demand.

Keynes consistently urged the government to create job opportunities and increase the influx of capital, and higher numbers for things like stock capital and wages. Hayek, on the other hand, analyzed the subjective theory of value, that a person can only improve his standard of living through a system that hinges on freedom.

Keynes believed that the economy is only of importance if it generates goods and services that answer to the needs of customers. So, we require a stable monetary system that controls production and consumption, as well as products within a particular period. Meddling with the economic policy that regulates the nation will only lead to misallocations of resources and unsustainable economic results.

Keynes regarded the economy as a tool to be fiddled with and operated on to make it have effective results. Whereas, Hayek viewed the economy as a self-operated organic machine that is capable of adapting to changing conditions because it comprises of individuals who can think.

He believed that no professional could repair it. He firmly believed so. According to him, the economy is us, and we do not need a mechanic to fix it.

Understanding Expansionary Spending

For a better understanding of what expansionary spending entails, we must understand that expansionary policy as it is today has two divisions. These two divisions are monetary policy and fiscal policy.

Expansionary Monetary Policy

Expansionary monetary policy is when a nation’s major bank employs its resources to grow the economy. When it does this, it increases the capital supply, decreases interest rates, and increases aggregate demand. Not only that, it increases growth when you calculate it by GDP. It also reduces the worth of the currency capital, thereby decreasing the exchange percentage.

Expansionary Fiscal Policy

Expansionary fiscal policy is a type of fiscal policy that introduces the approach of decreasing taxes, increasing government spending. It could adopt both methods in a bid to avert recessionary scares.

A decrease in taxes will mean that individuals will have larger disposable profit to spend. More disposal capital increases consumption, which, in turn, increases GDP.

Moreover, a decrease in taxes will convey the message to the public that the government has an interest in reviving the economy. It boosts their trust, which, in turn, increases the private investment component of GDP.

Hayek’s View Of Expansionary Spending On The Economy

Friedrich Hayek called expansionary spending dangerous. And the reason is that when the government employs a combination of expansionary and contractionary fiscal policy, a dispute of goals may occur. If the nation wants to put in more capital to grow its spending and encourage economic increase, it can bring about bonds for the individuals and the public.

Considering that government bonds bring about a variety of gains to buyers, individuals and businesses will purchase them swiftly. In this manner, the private sector would have a small income remaining to invest. With decreased investment operations, the economy can begin to deteriorate.

He considers it to be dangerous because of its inflexibility. There are usually interruptions in the introduction of expansionary policy, because the measures put in place may have to pass through legislative acceptance. A clear picture of implementation delays is we saw in the Great Recession.

According to the National Bureau of Economic Findings and Research, it started in December 2007, and the nation was only capable of introducing the Economic Stimulus Act in February 2008. Even if the government decides to increase its spending, it requires a particular period before the capital trickles down to people’s account

He deliberated that expansionary spending is terrible because it relies on the government, and the spending results in the budget deficit. A deficit may occur, when the government spends much more than the rate of incoming capital. Long-term deficit spending can decrease the financial revenues of the nation.

Expansion that depends on tax cuts can also result in disadvantages. If the nation decreases taxes too quickly, it may not result in the necessary yearly income to meet its obligations. For such reasons, Hayek advocates that the government can only use expansionary spending as a short-term method, and cannot use it to boost the economy of a nation


When a country’s economy is dwindling due to fiscal policies, it brings to mind the question of why did Friedrich Hayek calls expansionary spending dangerous. He termed it dangerous because it decreases capital supply and causes deflation. He concludes that it forces many customers into making poor decisions. These poor decisions halt the economic growth of a nation. It also affects the money supply and causes deflation, leading to a drop in market prices and commodities value.

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