Privacy Policy

This privacy policy gives a detailed insight into how your information is gathered processed and used.  By simply visiting this website either directly or through other websites, it means that you are comfortable with the extant conditions and terms of the policy. This policy is directly applicable to this website. All contents and policies of other websites that are not operated by us are not our responsibility.

We are also very conscious of the privacy of children. And as such our policy prohibits us from collecting information from children who are below the age of 13. It is therefore imperative that you accept that you are above 18 years of age when navigating this website. And in a situation where you are not up to that age, you can only use the site with the supervision of an adult.

Data collection

We adopt different measures to collect data from our readers and followers per time.

The first is through registration. When registering, you may be necessitated to fill and complete a registration form online. During this registration process, we will require you to give us some personal information such as your name, phone number, gender, email address and any other information we deem necessary.

We also have the information we collect automatically. Such information is gotten from means such as your log information. We get this through your use of our platform. This includes the access times, type of web browsers, the pages you viewed, your IP address and the pages you must have visited before coming on our website.

We also get your device information about the mobile device or computer you are using to access our platform.  This information includes the operating system, hardware model, mobile network information, unique device identifier, and your browsing behavior. Also, we extract your location information especially as regards your precise location as at the time when you agreed to the collection of this information. We may also deem it fit to request your location every time you gain access to this platform.

Furthermore, we may use the information retrieved via cookies and any other technology. The information we may collect includes information about you and the way you interact with this website, browsing behavior, and other patterns as may be deemed fit by us.

Information collected from other sources

We may also opt to collect information regarding you from other verified sources and make use of different links with the information. We may collect information on change of address from a third-party source such as Facebook.

Information disclosure and use

We deploy your information to optimize our website in terms of layout and content. Also in terms of communication with you, we will deploy your information to communicate with you regarding this website and services you desire.  We, however, do not rent, lease or sell your information to any third party. We also do not disclose your personal information to any third party.

Policy update

Every update on our policy will always be posted on our platform for the view of our readers and followers.