7 Steps To Increase YouTube Views Organically

7 Steps to increase YouTube views organically

YouTube is a wonder-word right now. Google is crawling sites for videos. This is the ideal time to create video content. However to promote your video go for avoid services like Promolta. With more quality video content you can win over the internet. However, the road to success on YouTube is not that easy either. 

With more than 500 hours of videos being uploaded every day, it’s tough out there. You can join the bandwagon. But how can you truly nail YouTube views? If that’s your question, stick through this piece. 

Before moving forward, let’s talk about something awesome. You can buy real YouTube views by the way. Don’t worry. It’s completely safe & secured. Millions of YouTubers are doing it. Moreover, when people see your videos are doing well they will join in too!

Today we will discuss 7 steps to increase YouTube views organically – 

#1. Keyword Optimization 

YouTube is also a search engine. It’s the best search engine for videos. Keywords or keyphrases are a series of words mostly used to find a particular kind of video/content. Your videos will be easily found if you use the right keyphrases. With more visibility, people will view your content more too! 

Doing keyword research is the best option here. There are tonnes of keyword planners out there. You can use Google’s Keyword Planner,, and UberSuggest. 

Use your niche & type of content to find out the suitable keyword. Once you do that follow it up by using it on the description & Title of your videos. 

#2. Keep sorting videos 

People will follow you once you sort your YT channel properly. Categorize your videos into separate playlists. If you do not maintain playlists, people will have difficulty finding videos from your channels. Plus, it looks very unclean and directionless. 

There’s one more advantage of creating playlists. When people click on a particular video of yours, you can keep them engaged by offering them more to watch on the same topic or style. The idea is to keep them hooked on your channel for hours. 

Trust us, that’s the best way to raise your views organically. Embed a related video at the ending screen of every video. You can recommend a related video during your video. Just link the video on a card and place it in a blank space. 

Just keep your entire content and divide them into separate videos. 

#3. Community Participation 

A human element is something important for marketing. You should participate in common communities where you get like-minded people. Comment and reply to comments more. Go to other youtube channels’ comment boxes and comment too! You see the more you are visible, the better it is for you. 

Create a loyal tribe of content consumers by reaching out to influencers, engaging more with the community and post-user-submitted content. The more people talk about you, the better it will be for your brand’s overall image and valuation. 

#4. Keep Posting New Content

Here’s the thing though – the more you post it, the more people will turn up. People are hungry for new content all the time. Keep brewing new content all the time. Now there are small snippets you can post on YouTube. This is kind of like those reels on Instagram.

Smart YouTubers have gotten hold of this idea very quickly. It’s the same trend that has taken over the internet since TikTok. And, you know what? It works. 

You can post YouTube main content twice every week provided you produce 7-10 minute high-quality video content. But what you can do side-by-side is create small snippets and post them every day or every two days on YouTube shorts. 

#5. Follow The Trends Or Be The Trendsetter 

Both ways – you can be the winner here. However, setting up a trend is quite difficult. Sometimes you go viral, and most of the time you don’t. Pick yourself up, dust yourself, and get going with what is popping in the market. 

If something is viral now, hop on it now. Usually, a certain topic picks up and becomes a trend. Or, sometimes even a particular type of memes or music becomes trendy. Make sure to use these and make your content fun to watch & relatable with your audience. 

#6. Thumbnail Creation Is A Must 

You cannot leave thumbnails to chance. Or, take a part of your video to make one. That’s just archaic & lazy, to say the least. Making custom YouTube thumbnails can attract more viewers. Make the thumbnails interesting enough and that’s all. 

Click baits work better if you do it well. Make it seem interesting from the word ‘go’. When someone searches for a particular keyphrase, hundreds of videos come up. Why should anyone click on yours? You can pull up the difference through your interesting thumbnail.

Try to show that your video is solving the issue your viewer is seeking help in. You need to actually live up to the promise anyway through your content. But bringing them inside the door is key here. 

#7. Cross-platform Promotions

Organic views are not difficult to get. But you need to draw attention. If you are already successful in some other platform, try to draw views from there. Make sure you are adding value to your audience on that platform. 

You cannot just go about asking people to see your video on YouTube. Tell them why they should and convince them that if they don’t they will miss something awesome. 

Cross promotions work perfectly. You can even add videos to your blog posts. 


You can try some of the best places to buy youtube views, to begin with. Remember to couple it up with daily content uploads. Perception is the key to social media. Make people believe that your content is hip by increasing your views. 

Moreover, in the long run, this can help raise more organic views. Also, don’t forget to drop in comments as to how you nailed more views on YT.