What Is A Copyright Claim? 

What Is A Copyright Claim

Distributing, displaying, or reproducing any intellectual property, music, arts, videos, etc. without a license to do so can lead to a copyright claim. Copyright claim has led to the imprisonment of several individuals, termination of companies, and also the takedown of many channels on YouTube. It can also lead to paying charges in some cases, depending on the penance choice of the copyright holder or court. Hence, the need to know what is a copyright claim to avoid being a victim of its outcome.

The Question Is: What Is A Copyright Claim?

Before we delve into what is a copyright claim, a brief explanation of copyright will enhance our understanding of the subject matter. Copyright is an automatic right that accrues to an inventor or creator of original work in a tangible form. The right validates the reproduction of the work for a limited time, particularly territory, etc. Thus, a copyright claim is a query from a copyright holder imposing the unauthorized duplication, distribution, or sales of his or her property.

Continue reading for more information about the topic!

Understanding Copyright 

The essence of copyright is to safeguard the original rendition of an idea in a tangible form; it doesn’t protect the actual idea. When an individual or group of persons creates an original product using significant mental prowess, the product is what we call intellectual property.

To avoid theft, and the unauthorized sales, duplication, or distribution of the product, guarding the ownership rights of the product is required. Thus, copyright is what we refer to as a guard to intellectual properties. They serve as legal protection. Examples of intellectual properties include art, graphic designs, poetry, computer software, novels, website content, film, musical lyrics and compositions, original architectural designs, etc.

Due to the consideration of public interest, copyright has some limitations, such as ‘the fair use’ principle developed in the United States. In some jurisdictions, fixing of copyrighted works in a concrete form is necessary. In a situation where many persons created the work, copyright belongs to the authors of the work. Each of them has a batch of rights to use or license the work. They are generally known as rights holders.

Copyrights include overseeing derivative works, reproduction, public performance, distribution, and also moral rights such as attribution. A copyright holder can decide to sell or give permission to other parties to make use of the work. Using the work without the consent of the copyright holder can attract a punishment if found guilty, the penance is mostly dependant on the choice of the copyright holder, the court, or a third party in charge of copyright infringement.

Copyright Law

A product can only be original if the authors created it from an idea that is void of duplication. In copyright law, this work type is what we call “Original Work of Authorship.” Having an original work of authorship guarantees automatic copyright to that work, and prevents it from unauthorized duplication or distribution.

It is necessary to note that not all types of work can have copyright. Things such as discoveries, theories, brand names, slogans, titles, ideas, concepts, logos, and domain names are not what you can guard under copyright law. For an original work to be under the protection of copyright law, it has to be in tangible form. It means that if discoveries, ideas, musical scores, etc. are to be under the covering of copyright law, then they must be in a tangible form.

You can also obtain copyrights under public law. These rights are what we refer to as “territorial rights.” These rights are only valid within the specific jurisdiction in which you got it. They do not cover any claim of ownership outside that territory, making such claims invalid. The type of copyright varies by country.

As a result of the variation, some countries are in alliance with specific agreeable procedures to implement when original works crossover to their territories or when national rights are erratic.

Generally, the duration of public law copyright expires 50 to 100 years after the death of the author, depending on the jurisdiction. In some countries like the U.S., original owners have the c the copyright throughout their lifetime and expire 70 years after their death. If a corporation or more than one person has an original work, the copyright protection will be shorter than 70 years.

Limitation Of Copyright Law

Copyright law doesn’t grant publishers and authors total control over the utilization of their work. It doesn’t protect all types of works or all kinds of uses. Infringement attributes to the use of unauthorized protected works.

Copyright law doesn’t protect some use of the work if it falls under “fair practice.” In essence, the fair practice principle constitutes one of the significant limitations of copyright. In Article 10 of the Berne Convention, it authorizes national laws to provide restrictions to copyright; the practice is what we call “fair practice.”

Fair practice includes minimal quotations that people mostly use in education and journalism. The laws enforcing these exceptions and limitations for uses that one would judge as infringing are in the categories of fair dealing or fair use. In common law schemes, fair practice rule usually preserve principles fundamental to former judicial precedents. They are also considered vital to freedom of speech.

Compulsory licensing is another major limitation of copyright law. In this practice, the law restricts copyright holders from refusing to give a license for specific uses of some types of works. Some applications include live performances and compilations of music.

Compulsory licensing laws typically state that the use of certain types of works, where there is a payment of royalty, does not attract infringement charges or copyright claims. Royalty is a price rate that either the law or private negotiation decides for the parties. The payment of royalty goes to the copyright holder or any third party in charge of copyright.

Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement refers to using any work that is under the covering of copyright law without obtaining legal permission for usage. Using any actual work without getting authorization from a copyright holder might lead to infringement of certain restricted rights granted to the copyright holder. Such rights might include making derivative works, reproduction, distribution, displaying or performing the protected work.

A copyright holder is usually the author of the work, or a publisher or a third party who receives copyright for the work. Copyright holders regularly enforce technological and legal measures to prohibit or punish copyright infringement.

One can resolve copyright infringement controversy by direct negotiations between the copyright holder and persons found guilty, through a notice and evaluation process, or trial in civil court. Outrageous or significant commercial infringement, mainly if it involves “counterfeiting,” brings the offender for prosecution using the criminal justice system.

Some factors like advances in digital technology, the increasing reach of the Internet, shifting public expectations have aided widespread anonymous infringement. Copyright-sustained businesses focus more on developing new copyright laws to identify and penalize these defaulters quickly.

Moreover, the estimate of copyright infringement on economic impact varies extensively and is dependent on many factors. Nevertheless, legislators, copyright holders, and business representatives have long identified copyright infringement as theft or piracy.

Some Of The Reasons People Engage In Copyright Infringement

Although not justifiable, people infringe on the copyright of other people for various reasons. These reasons are:


The legitimate product might come with different means of restricting authorized use or may come with anti-piracy disclaimers, non-skippable advertisements which, if removed in the unauthorized product, will make it more enticing for the end consumer.


There are cases of copyright infringement which occurs when no authorized seller is supplying the product in that country or city of the ultimate consumer. There could also be instances where the product launched is not yet available in the territory, previously withdrawn from sales or not permitted to be sold there, as well as geographical restrictions on online and offline distribution or international shipping.


Downloading of works online doesn’t necessarily require identification, but some direct downloads from the website of copyright holders might need putting in credentials like a valid email address.

Shopping experience:

Authorized sellers might not have the required quality desired by various consumers, or they may lack the required level of user-friendliness.

Testing and evaluation:

Requesting to try a product before paying to avoid purchasing what might be of poor quality.


This refers to the inability or unwillingness to pay for the actual price that the legitimate sellers are asking.

Freedom of Information:

Many people do not agree with the idea that copyright law should exist.

Sometimes only limited acquiescence with the license agreement is the cause. Like in 2013, a Texas-based company named “Apptricity,” which develops software that enables the army to track down their soldiers, resolved a lawsuit with the U.S. army. The U.S. Army paid $4.5 million in 2004 for a license to install the software for 500 users but ended up installing it for 9,000 users. It resulted in a serious legal battle, but they resolved it with a fine of $50 million.


It is of utmost importance to be knowledgeable on copyright claims before engaging in the production, distribution, or sales of products that are not your original creation. The knowledge of what is a copyright claim can help prevent becoming a victim of copyright infringement and thereby avoid its penance.

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