How Are Work Energy And Power Related?

How Are Work Energy And Power Related

Work, energy, and power are three important concepts in the field of Physics. The work done by all the forces is equal to the change that takes place in kinetic energy. Work, for instance, relates to the total amount of energy that gets transferred to or from a system by a force. It is in Joules and is a scalar quantity. Work is best described as taking place when a force moves across a particular distance per time.

Whenever a force makes an object move, work has gotten done. But before you can do work, some degree of energy is always needed per time. When a person does work, for instance, they will get energy from the food they eat. In the case of machines, the energy is from fuel. In this article, we want to know how work, energy, and power-related are.

How are work energy and power-related?

By definition, Energy is the capacity to get work done. This means that its influence which an object will use to exert a force on an object to displace the same thus leading to a change in its position. Work is the action that takes place when displacing an object by applying a certain degree of force on it. By doing this, one would expect a change in position. Power is the rate at which work gets carried out or the amount of work that gets done per time.

Drawing from these definitions, it is safe to say that energy is a core need for performing work. Power is the amount of work that gets done in a given period. Work on the other and is the action required to effect a change in the position of the object. You need the energy to do work and power is the rate of doing work while energy is the potential to do work.

What Is Work?

Work is usually done when a force leads to motion. An example of this is when a person climbs up a flight of stairs. In this situation, the person has done work because he is moving in opposition to the force of gravity. The work done by any force is subject to a certain factor. The factors include the distance in which the body moves in the direction of the force. The second factor is the force. Work is a measure of the product of the displacement and force of the body along the direction of the force. Work= F*S where F is Force and S is distance. If a body gets displaced by distance with force acting on it, Work will be equals to FS Cos Tita.

The condition required for a force to do work is that it must result in the motion of the object. What this means is that if the distance in which an object moves is zero, then the work done by it is equal to zero. The work that gets done on the man himself is not equal to zero. This is because the action he takes is bound to cost him energy and as such make him tired.

Another instance is a situation where a man stands at a bus stop holding a heavy suitcase with him. There is every chance he way gets tired not because he is doing any work but because of the suitcase held by the man.

What Is The Consequence Of Work Done Against Gravity?

When work gets done against gravity, the work done is always equal to the product of the vertical distance and weight of the body lifted. Thus, the work is done in lifting the body= vertical distance * weight of the body. Hence, W=m*g*h.

What Is The Concept Behind Energy?

Energy is the capacity that a body has to do work. Note that energy is a scalar quantity which means that it does not have direction but has size. The energy needed to do one joule of work is the same as one-joule energy. The energy which a body develops as a result of the work done is mechanical. This energy gets grouped into two types kinetic energy and potential energy. Also, the energy which a body possesses because of its position above the ground is gravitational potential energy. Also, the energy which a body possesses because of its size and shape is its elastic potential energy.

Kinetic energy is the energy that a body possesses because of its motion. Also, if a body that possesses a mass m is traveling with a speed V, the kinetic energy would be equal to half of the mass multiplied by the square of the velocity. This means that when the mass of the body gets doubled, it means that the kinetic energy will also get doubled. Also, if the mass of the said body gets halved, it means that its kinetic energy will also get halved. If the velocity of a body gets doubled, the kinetic energy would become times four. And if the body’s velocity gets halved, its kinetic energy becomes a quarter.

What Is The Relationship Between Kinetic Energy And Momentum?

K.E= the square of momentum divided by 2m. p=momentum=mv. When you double momentum, the kinetic energy becomes four times.

What Is The Concept Behind Power?

Power is the rate at which work gets done and it is a scalar quantity. Thus power is equal to work done divided by the time taken. When work gets done, there is a consumption of an equal amount of energy. This is why power is also defined as the rate of energy consumption. The unit of power is watt and one watt is the power of an appliance that does work at one joule for each second. Another unit for measuring power is the Horse Power and it is equal to 746 watts.

What Is The Principle Of Conservation Of Energy?

One of the core features of energy is that it can neither get destroyed nor created. But it can get changed from one state to the other. Whenever we use energy in one form and an equal amount of energy gets produced in a different form. This is why the total energy in the world remains the same.

What Is The History Behind The Term “Energy?”

The word energy is from a Greek word which the Romans translated to mean Energia. It first made an appearance in the work of Aristotle in the 4th century BC. The term Energia had a qualitative angle that was broad enough to factor in certain ideas like pleasure and happiness. By the 17th century, a proposal got made of the living force which got defined as a product of the mass of an object and the square of its velocity. To consider the slowing down because of friction, Leibnitz came up with a theory that thermal energy got made from the random motion of the components of matter. It got to about a century before this theory became accepted.

What Is The Benefit Of Knowing The Relationship Between Work, Energy, And Power?

We live in a day and a time where science and technology have shaped everything we do. The reality is that every aspect of our lives has some link with the principles of science. When we light a matchstick, build a house, eat our food. There is always work done, the power consumed and energy used up. It suffices to say that the principles of physics are an integral part of life as we know it.

Physics focuses more on the nature of the natural world using a mathematical approach. Physics is generally seen as one of the most difficult subjects taught in several schools. The reliance of society on technology is one that further underscores the importance of physics in our everyday life. The discoveries made in the field of physics are some of the reasons why the society we have today has gained some ground. Certain discoveries such as electricity, magnetism, and conductors have made certain things such as computers, television, and phones possible. Transportation means such as telecoms and planes are things that have helped to further integrate the world.

It is a fact that the sciences especially physics will play a core role in the growth and development of society.


We have been able to establish the relationship between power, work, and energy. we have also been able to look at the core features of each concept. It is important to point out the fact that each concept comes with its unique peculiarities. Understanding these peculiarities should help put you on a better pedestal.

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