What Type Of Simple Machine Is A Shovel?

What Type Of Simple Machine Is A Shovel

A simple machine is known for its simplicity. It usually does not many parts. It is most useful in modifying the necessary force you need to carry out a task. There are various types of simple machines. In overcoming resistance, you use a simple tool, which is also a force like a tremendous force that needs removal.

The question is what type of simple machine is a shovel?

The invention of the simple machine makes work much more comfortable and more productive for humanity. The types of a simple device are in the form the wedge, the more massive, and inclined plane. Others include the screw, wheel, and axle, as well as the pulley. One has to understand them to grasp the type of simple machine. A shovel qualifies as a compound machine. It means that it combines several simple machines.

So that’s it about the type of simple machine the shovel is. You can also continue reading for more information on this topic.

The Chronicle Of Simple Machine

The notion of a simple machine arose in the 3rd century B.C. with the Greek philosopher Archimedes, who studied the primary machines of the Archimedes. Through the lever, he developed the mechanical advantage principle.

Subsequent Greek philosophers described the typical five simple machines (except for the inclined plane) and were able to measure their mechanical advantage. In his work, Mechanics, for example, Heron of Alexandria listed five mechanisms that can “set a load in motion;” helicopter, windlass, pulley, wedge, and screw, describing their manufacture and uses.

During the Reformation or the Renaissance era, while mentioning the simple machines, it started to examine the complexities of the Mechanical Powers from the perspective of how far they would lift a load, with the force they could apply, leading to the new idea of mechanical work. The mechanical benefit of this tilted plane came in 1586 from the Flemish engineer Simon Stevin and put in the other simple machines.

In 1600, the Italian physicist Galileo Galilei carried out the whole dynamics theory of simple machines as a power amplifier in Le Meccaniche, demonstrating the fundamental mathematical identity of machines.

Having delved into the history of the simple machine, it’s evident that simple machine makes life easier. Million years ago, the invention of the simple machines came about, but what we see today are simple machines working together, forming complex machines reaching out to do intricate work. A simple machine becomes an easy machine because its main advantage is that we can accomplish the same amount by applying smaller amounts of force over more distances. We believe that such devices make it easier for us to live because of how we don’t need to use so much energy when running them.

Types Of Simple Machine

It’s crucial that we fully understand the various kinds of simple machines and how they operate. Understand them will help us to identify them in our immediate environment and know their uses. 

1. Inclined planes

Another name for an inclined plane is a sloping surface or a tilted plane. It is more of what you can use to lift heavy objects. The aircraft provides a mechanical benefit because it is less potent than the lifting weight for shifting an object up the pitch. For example, a small force operating alongside the pitch over a distance can do better by steeping or tilting the force closer to the actual weight in ramps and turning paths. It is why there is the frequent use of the tilt plane concept.

We use inclined planes to lift heavy objects. The plane provides a mechanical advantage, which provides the power necessary to shift an object up the pitch, which is smaller than the weight of the object lifted. The steeper the pitch, or tilting, the closer the force is to the real weight. In ramps and turning paths, for instance, a small force working alongside the slope for a distance can do much work. It’s common to find people using the concept of the tilt plane.

2. Lever

A lever is a bar or a board on a framework that you can call a base. A downward power on one end of the heel can transmit and push the other end upward, which lifts a heavyweight using a small force

Ancient people were using the lever, for instance, to move massive stones or dig sticks for cultivating the land. In the swap or shadow, they used the lever theory. They usually turn the long lever at one end by a platform or a water container hung from the short arm. Through pulling on the long arm, a man may raise his weight many times. In Egypt and India, there are reports that this device was useful in raising water and lifting soldiers over warheads as early as 1500 B.C.

3. The wedge

A wedge is just a triangular instrument, sometimes in metal, wood, stone, or plastic. On one end, it is thick, and on the other end, it is thin or on a sharp edge. It’s technologically a sloping plane (or two slopes placed together to form a triangle) that moves. Fastening it to a handle can make its use more comfortable.

A wedge is useful in a wide variety of ways. It helps cut, more like a knife. It is also helpful in splitting objects, like an axe. As a simple machine, you can use it to tighten and hold back an object, like a door stopper. You can also use it to scrape, like blades on the snowplow or farm grade.

4. Wheel and axel

The wheel and axle is a primary type of mechanism which makes it much easier to use the idea of mechanical benefit for tasks in terms of handling force. A round disk is a part we call the wheel. The rod in its middle is what we refer to as the axle. It’s the combination of both that gives us what we call the wheel and axle. The wheel and the axel utilize angular momentum and torque, usually against gravity power, to operate on objects. The simple machine of the wheel and axle closely connects with the gears.

5. Pulley

A pulley is a wheel on its surface that holds a flexible cord or tube. It could either be single or in a combination. Either way, pulleys are useful in conveying energy and movement. We refer to sheaves as sweatshirts with grooved rims.

At the belt drive, pulleys connect to the shafts, and there is a transfer of power the shafts by endless belt streaming over the pulleys. You can utilize one or more of the rotating pulleys separately, particularly when lifting weights, to obtain mechanical advantages. You can also mount the pulleys to frames or blocks with the shafts, and a mix of pulleys, supports, cables, and other versatile materials is what we call a block and tackle.

6. The screw

A screw is typically a circular cylindrical part that has a constant helical rib and is useful for fastening or changing force and motion. Although the Philosopher Archytas, of Tarentum from Pythagoras (500 BCE), was the supposed inventor of the screw, the precise date during which he first made the screw as a practical mechanical device is not specified. Archimedes normally has a water screw, but there is evidence that there has been a similar irrigation system that the Egyptians used before that time.

Significance Of Simple Machines

Simple machines are handy, as they minimize effort or expand people’s ability to carry out work outside their standard capacities. Simple machines abound all around us. The most widely used machines are simple. Although the force that you can apply to simple machines can magnify and reduce, they do not change the amount of labor needed to accomplish the whole task.

The shovel as a simple machine

The shovel as a simple machine

In reality, a shovel is a compound machine. It means that it exists as a combination of several simple machines. The shovel consists of a wedge and a lever. The wedge is the shovel’s tip. When you stick a shovel into the earth, the tip transforms the driving force down the handle into forces that comes out from the blade.

In a third-class lever, the frequency of action is between the power of resistance and the point of reference. Some types of gardening tools are examples of the levers of the third-class rank. For instance, by using a shovel, one end is kept constant to act as the point of reference, and the other hand begins to draw up a load of dirt.


In looking at what type of simple machine is a shovel, it is essential to understand that a shovel does not just qualify as a simple machine. Instead, it qualifies as a compound machine. The compound machine, in this sense, is a combination of several simple machines.

As a compound tool, it is handy for digging. Asides digging, you can use it to scoop and move sand, dirt, snow, etc. it comes in different sizes and shapes. However, the fact remains that all these different variants are still shovels, and they all serve the same purpose.

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