Category - Life


Why Libertarianism Doesn’t Work?

Libertarianism is a collection of various political ideologies and philosophical theories. It seeks to promote freedom in the life of individuals. In society...


What Are Paternal Grandparents?

Sometimes, we consider grandparents as a good replica of a child’s parents. They can effectively play the roles of babysitters, a child’s guardian...


Can Dreams Tell The Future?

We all have at one point or the other had dreams. The moment our consciousness grows, we begin to use certain tools to increase our level of awareness and...


Pros And Cons Of Collectivism

Collectivism is a socio-political ideology. It emphasizes and prioritizes the objectives of a community over the singular needs of individuals. In a system...

Health Life

Is Suffocation Painful?

Is suffocation painful? Seeing the expression on people’s faces will make you conclude that suffocation hurts badly. However, there are people with a contrary...