Category - Life


Is Slavery Legal Anywhere?

It is estimated that there are almost fifty million slaves worldwide which are a lot more than what is obtainable at any point in history. One of the major...

Life Travel

What Does Whale Poop Look Like?

Whale poop isn’t something we come across now and then. Plus, it is considered a treasure courtesy of its market value. The poop of whale cost a fortune. But...


Pros And Cons Of Child Labor

Currently, about 250 million children in the world are engaged in one form of work or the other. Over 150 million of this population are working in very...


Does Happiness Exist?

Even though we all have our own different perspectives on the meaning of happiness, we all recognize it when we feel or experience it. The way we picture...

Life News

Has Socialism Ever Worked? 

Socialism is derived from the Latin word ‘Socialis,’ which means ‘Public.’ Socialism is an economic and social system characterized by...