Cardiac Care During the Pandemic: The Ultimate Guide

heart monitor

Are you wondering how to get the best cardiac care during the pandemic? You may be concerned that your heart care is not an urgent issue with all of the other health issues out there today. And you may be wondering if your heart health puts you at greater risk.

Know that it’s important to put your heart health first, even in the midst of a global pandemic. Keep reading to learn how you can get the best cardiac care.

Determine the Type of Cardiac Care You Need

Not all forms of cardiac care are urgent or invasive, so it’s best to talk with your doctor about the type of care you need given the circumstances. Your doctor may think it is safe to stretch the time between appointments, or limit in-person care.

If you have been diagnosed with congestive heart failure or another form of heart disease, for instance, you’ll need to maintain regular appointments with your doctor to check on progress—but it’s always best to ask. You may be able to use telemedicine options if going to an appointment is deemed too risky.

When it comes to heart care, you’ll need to stay aware of any sudden changes in how you feel. Pain in the chest could be an indicator of bigger problems on the immediate horizon, so don’t be afraid to seek medical attention right away if you have concerns.

Ask About Your Risk During the Pandemic

Since COVID-19 has been linked to cardiac arrhythmias, you’ll want to listen to your doctor’s advice on best practices. You may need to take a few extra precautions in order to stay safe during the pandemic, but you can rest assured that there are plenty of resources and professionals ready to ensure you get the best care.

If you have atrial fibrillation, or afib, can visit to learn the latest suggestions and treatments to keep your heart healthy during the pandemic. While your risk of complications may be higher, you can be smart about how you take action.

Take Precautions for Best Heart Care

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continue to advocate for masks as a way to reduce transmission of COVID-19. If you have any pre-existing heart conditions, it’s especially important that you bring a cloth mask with you to wear in any public spaces.

Wash your hands after going to stores and before eating, and limit your time in large groups of people. While it’s a minor hassle to take these extra steps, you’ll reduce your risk of transmission.

Make Your Health a Priority

Finding cardiac care during a pandemic might sound like a daunting process, but it’s critical that you stay on top of any health concerns. Talk to the medical professionals you trust, and know that they are eager to ensure your longterm health. If you stick to routine appointments and stay vigilant, you can keep your heart safe.

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