Why Would Someone’s Snap Score Not Go Up

Why Would Someone's Snap Score Not Go Up

When you first create your Snap Score, it’s generally pretty low. Everyone starts with a score of 0 and you either have to grow your score or risk having a negative one for the rest of time. But as time goes on, many people find that their Snap Score isn’t increasing despite trying everything they can think of to increase it. This article will give you insight into common reasons why your Snap Score might not be increasing. Keep reading to learn more!

Why Would Someone’s Snap Score Not Go Up?

When a user’s Snapchat score doesn’t go up, it usually means that they’ve hit a limit on the number of points they can earn. If your score is stuck at 20,000, for example, it means that you’ve maxed out all of the available points. There are three ways to earn points on Snapchat: by creating Snaps, by watching Story ads, and by activating Bitmoji. Each of these actions is worth different amounts of points. The more you do each day, the more points you can earn. Once you’ve maxed out your score, there isn’t anything else you can do to increase it. 

You’re Not Using Your Current Score

1. People Are Constantly Switching Up Their Snapchat Stories.

Snap Score is a snapshot of your Snapchat story for the day and is calculated by taking a snapshot of your Snap Score at the end of the day. If you’re not using it, you won’t be able to get a Snap Score.

2. You’re Not Posting Any Snaps.

This is one of the easiest ways to increase your Snap Score without doing anything particularly special or hard. You can post Snaps regularly and they will count towards your Snap Score.

3. You’re Not Watching All Your Friends’ Stories Regularly Enough.

If you don’t watch every single story that’s posted by each person on Snapchat, then it will be harder for them to get a high score because their friends will only see that person’s story once per day and won’t be able to see the other stories posted by that person’s friends or family members in between times that they view the story.

4. You’re Using The Wrong Camera.

Snap Score is calculated by taking a snapshot of your Snapchat story for the day and is calculated by taking a snapshot of your Snap Score at the end of the day. This means that you have to use your current camera to take Snap Scores, so if you’re using another camera, then it won’t count toward your score.

5. You’re Not Doing Anything Fun Or Interesting On Snapchat Stories That Day!

If you’re not doing anything fun or interesting on Snapchat Stories that day, then it will be harder for people to see and enjoy what you’re posting on Snapchat Stories because they won’t be able to see everything that you’ve posted throughout the day and won’t know what kind of things to expect from you next time they view your Snapchat Story. It also won’t be as enjoyable for people because they might not get to see any of the things posted by their friends’ friends or family members that they might know personally.

6. You’re Not Posting Stories In A Timely Manner.

If you’re not posting stories in a timely manner, then people won’t have time to watch all of your Snapchat Stories and see the things that you’ve posted throughout the day, so it will be harder for them to get a Snap Score because of this. You should make it a goal to post stories at least every other day if you want to get a high Snap Score!

You’re Sending The Wrong Kinds Of Snaps

1. You’re Sending Too Many “Transactions”

If you’re sending too many “transactions”, then people won’t be able to see the things that you’ve posted throughout the day because they won’t be able to watch all of your Snapchat Stories and see what kind of things you’re posting. You should make it a goal to only send transactions once per day!

2. You’re Sending Too Many “Live Stories”

If you’re sending too many “live stories”, then people won’t be able to see all of the things that you’ve posted throughout the day because they won’t be able to watch all of your Snapchat Stories and see everything that you’ve posted. You should make it a goal to only send live stories once per day if you want to get a high Snap Score!

3. You’re Sending Too Many “Selfie Stories” Or “Stories With Friends”

If you’re sending too many “selfie stories” or “stories with friends”, then people won’t be able to see all of the things that you’ve posted throughout the day because they won’t be able to watch all of your Snapchat Stories and see everything that you’ve posted. You should make it a goal to only send selfie stories or stories with friends once per day if you want to get a high Snap Score!

4. You’re Sending Too Many “Stories”

If you’re sending too many “stories”, then people won’t be able to see all of the things that you’ve posted throughout the day because they won’t be able to watch all of your Snapchat Stories and see everything that you’ve posted. You should make it a goal to only send stories once per day if you want to get a high Snap Score!

5. You’re Sending Too Many “Likes”

If you’re sending too many “likes”, then people won’t be able to see all of the things that you’ve posted throughout the day because they won’t be able to watch all of your Snapchat Stories and see everything that you’ve posted. You should make it a goal to only send likes once per day if you want to get a high Snap Score!

6. You’re Sending Too Many “Comments”

If you’re sending too many “comments”, then people won’t be able to see all of the things that you’ve posted throughout the day because they won’t be able to watch all of your Snapchat Stories and see everything that you’ve posted. You should make it a goal to only send comments once per day if you want to get a high Snap Score!

You’re Sending Too Many Snaps At Once

  1. If you’re sending too many Snaps at once, then people won’t be able to see all of the things that you’ve posted throughout the day because they won’t be able to watch all of your Snapchat Stories and see everything that you’ve posted. You should make it a goal to only send Snaps at once if you want to get a high Snap Score!
  2. If you’re sending too many “live stories”, then people won’t be able to see all of the things that you’ve posted throughout the day because they won’t be able to watch all of your Snapchat Stories and see everything that you’ve posted. You should make it a goal to only send live stories once per day if you want to get a high Snap Score!
  3. If you’re sending too many “live stories with friends”, then people won’t be able to see all of the things that you’ve posted throughout the day because they won’t be able to watch all of your Snapchat Stories and see everything that you’ve posted. You should make it a goal to only send live stories with friends once per day if you want to get a high Snap Score!
  4. If you’re sending too many “live stories without friends”, then people won’t be able to see all of the things that you’ve posted throughout the day because they won’t be able to watch all of your Snapchat Stories and see everything that you’ve posted. You should make it a goal to only send live stories without friends once per day if you want to get a high Snap Score!
  5. If you’re sending too many “stories”, then people won’t be able to see all of the things that you’ve posted throughout the day because they won’t be able to watch all of your Snapchat Stories and see everything that you’ve posted. You should make it a goal to only send stories once per day if you want to get a high Snap Score!
  6. If you’re sending too many “story links”, then people won’t be able to see all of the things that you’ve posted throughout the day because they won’t be able to watch all of your Snapchat Stories and see everything that you’ve posted. You should make it a goal to only send story links once per day if you want to get a high Snap Score!


Your Snap Score is a key part of the Snapchat experience, and it’s something you should take advantage of. Keeping an eye on your Snap Score is an easy way to make sure you’re growing your social circle, and it can also be a lot of fun!