Why Is My Memory So Bad At 20

Why Is My Memory So Bad At 20

A good memory is something that can come in handy in a variety of different situations. Whether you’re learning new information for school, trying to recall details about someone you just met, or trying to remember where you left your keys, having a strong memory can be beneficial in so many ways. Unfortunately, it isn’t something that everyone is blessed with. Many people struggle with memory daily and may not even realize it. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to improve your memory so that you won’t ever have to worry about forgetting anything again. How can you keep everything fresh and easy to recall? Keep reading to learn more about the best ways to improve your memory and keep those brain cells active and thriving!

Why Is My Memory So Bad At 20?

Because young people are not aware of the importance of memory and they take things for granted. They don’t write down their thoughts and memorize them because they think nothing will happen to them. So, with time, they forget all the memories that made a huge impact on their life. I was born in 1995 and I don’t remember much of the time before 2000. I can’t remember my parents telling me something important back then, or a historical event everyone was talking about, or something I did back then that I will regret never remembering later on.

Create A Memory Trigger

  1. Take a look at some of the most important things you need to remember. For example, if you want to remember your phone number, make it a habit to write it down every night in a place where you’ll see it often. Or if you’re trying to remember what someone said to you the other day, keep an audio recording of the conversation and play it for yourself later. If you’re trying to learn new information for school or work, be sure that you take notes of every important point and commit them to memory as soon as possible.
  2. Create a personal memory trigger that will help remind you of what needs to be remembered so that it doesn’t get forgotten. For example, if you want to memorize your phone number again but can’t seem to keep the number in your head, make the numbers on your cell phone screen similar in color or position so they’re easily recognizable when they pop up on your screen!
  3. Make sure that all important information is written down somewhere where it can be easily found later on. This is especially useful if there are several people involved in remembering something but only one person knows where all the information is located and how best it should be stored. If someone forgets their phone number or cell phone password and can’t remember exactly where they left their notes or other information, they may never find out again!
  4. If possible, memorize a piece of information or a question using a mnemonic device. A mnemonic device is a code that helps you remember information by using an image, sound, or word to help you remember it. For example, if someone wanted to memorize the capital cities of all 50 states, they could use the mnemonic device “Thirty-two letters that spell WASHINGTON, D.C.,” and then simply remember “WASHINGTON” when they get to the state they want to memorize.
  5. Make sure that there are no gaps in your memory by taking notes and writing down anything you need to remember as soon as possible after it occurs. If you’re trying to learn new vocabulary words for school, write them on flashcards and then review them often so that they’ll be easy for you to recall later!
  6. Create cues or reminders that will help keep your memory fresh and active. For example, if you have something important to remember about your weekend plans but can’t seem to remember what happened yesterday, try jotting down everything on index cards and then giving them all different colored markers so that each card has its distinct color! This will help remind you of all the fun things you did last weekend!

Exercise Your Brain.

  • Write a short paragraph about a problem that you’re trying to solve. For example, if you’re having trouble memorizing the order of the planets in the solar system, write down what you know and then try to figure out how you can remember it better!
  • Think about all of the different ways that you can use your imagination to help with problem-solving and memory improvement. For example, if you’re having trouble remembering names, try using your imagination to help you remember those important people!
  • If possible, get a friend or family member to play a game with you that involves memory skills! For example, if someone is learning how to play bridge, ask them to learn how each of the cards is ranked in order from high to low and then have them memorize this information as quickly as they possibly can so that they won’t forget it later!
  • If possible, set up some kind of memory challenge with yourself or with another person so that each time something memorable happens, there will be some kind of reward waiting for them afterward (such as receiving an extra treat or being allowed to go on an extra adventure). This will make learning new things fun and exciting instead of just boring and frustrating!
  • Try doing mental math whenever possible so that it becomes easier for you to solve equations in your head without actually writing them down first. This will help your brain become more efficient at calculating numbers so that you can solve problems more quickly!
  • If you have a favorite memory trick that is working for you, write down everything that you can remember about it so that you’ll be able to use it again in the future!

Take Advantage Of Technology.

  1. Write a note to yourself and then keep it with you wherever you are! If you’re out at the park and get distracted, take a moment and write down when this happened before forgetting about it. This will help prevent you from forgetting in the future.
  2. If possible, try recording your memories on video or your phone so that they’ll be easier to remember later on! Record yourself showing what happened, getting distracted, and coming back to the task at hand again. Then watch yourself in real time as you try to get back into the groove of what you were doing!
  3. Make it a habit to find something new every day that inspires and excites you! For example, if you like gardening, make sure that every time you go out in the yard or garden area of your house (even just going outside for a few minutes), there is something new for you to discover!
  4. Get an old TV or computer screen and put it behind whatever game console is around so that everything is seen through this screen instead of from a real TV set or monitor–this will create more vivid memories that can be recalled later on when needed!
  5. Use your imagination whenever possible when trying new things in life; especially when trying new activities like learning how something works, making a dish from scratch, solving an equation, etc. For example: if there’s something cool about electric shavers where they buzz around the head to shave down your mustache etc. try making the buzzing noise in your head as you do the task with that gadget–this will help you create a good memory for the experience!
  6. Design a memory book for yourself and collect all of your memories into one book. Even though this won’t be completely complete, it will still be cool to have all of these memories together in one place where they can be easily recalled later!
  7. Always keep a piece of paper or some other type of mark where you can write down whatever is on your mind when this happens so that you don’t lose what’s important to remember!
  8. Create different “mental notes” whenever possible; those are notes that are normally used by people who are taking exams or studying something like math, science, etc.–if you always make mental notes about what needs to be done before an exam or test is due (such as how long it will take to get there, etc.) then when the actual day comes, it will be much easier for you to focus and not spend all night worrying about it!


If you’re trying to improve your memory or if you have ever struggled with memory in the past, you know how frustrating it can be. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to improve your memory so that you won’t ever have to worry about forgetting anything again. Create a memory trigger to help you remember important facts and details, try to break everything down into smaller pieces, and learn some memory strategies that are easy to implement. Finally, make use of technology to help you remember even more!