Network security, internet security, and Cyber Security are often used interchangeably to describe data protection and sensitive information. Though, they share lots of similarities, but there are distinct differences that we should point out. For instance, network security often deals with protection from viruses and worms, while Cyber security focuses on phishing and pre-texting. Cyber Security, on the other hand, also provides
What Are Network Security And Cyber Security?
Network security is the combination of measures taken by an organization or enterprise in security is network or data with hardware and software systems. The purpose of using network security is to ensure confidentiality and accessibility of the entire network and data structures.
Cyber Security is the measures taken to protect systems from cyber-attacks and malicious components used in stealing sensitive organization or enterprise information like financial accounts and contacts. Cyber security can therefore used in preventing all types of insider threats.
Cyber Security will advance your system security so that it can be configured to prevent all unauthorized access efficiently. Cyber security protects your cyberspace from damages and attacks from external and internal threats. As perfect as it may sound, Cyber security can still be hampered by some vulnerabilities that it cannot eliminate.
Cyber security can further be described as protecting data and information from outside sources of the internet. Cyber security experts, therefore, protect data and information on networks, servers, intranet, and computer systems.
Cyber space combines all sorts of communication networks alongside embedded processors, databases, the internet, and all controllers of interchanging electronic documents. This type of work means that Cyber security also handles all network environments generated through coaxial cables, telephone wires, fiber optic lines, and electromagnetic waves.
What Are The Differences Between Network Security And Cyber Security?
The main difference between network security and Cyber security is that network security primarily deals with external security threats, but cyber security deals with external and all types of insider threats.
Another significant difference between network security and Cyber security is that network security protects transit data only while Cyber security ensures that the entire digital data from all kinds of threats.
Network security can be described as a subset of Cyber security, while Cyber security can be described as a subset of information security. Network security can only protect data or devices in the network realm, but it is ineffective in the larger cyber realm; hence Cyber security is superior to network security because it protects data and devices in the cyber domain. Different threats require different assessments, you need guides to vendor risk management.
Network security will provide protection from DOS attacks, while Cyber security will provide protection from cyber-attacks. Network security will also prevent Trojans from attacking your network, while Cyber security will protect your system from cyber frauds or crimes.
Network security will only secure data traveling across networks by the terminals, while Cyber security handles data-resting.
Network security is normally implemented to protect your internal information by inspecting employee activities alongside access to network components. In contrast, the main concentration of Cyber security is the external threats, including security breaches, especially those created by hackers to infiltrate a network. To gain access, hackers exploit a system’s security weakness or use social engineering to control the system users using
Network security deals with networks only, while Cybersecurity deals with inter-networks or a group of networks.
In addition to network protection, network security also protects applications and provides up-to-date information. Cyber security will protect account credentials and provide firewalls and encryption for secondary protection.
Cybersecurity and network security can be conveniently used together at all enterprise-level without one disrupting the functionalities of the other.
What Are The Similarities Between Network Security And Cyber Security?
Both network security and Cyber security are necessary for handling access, confidentiality, authentication, and integrity of data and information, and they just operate at different levels and different configurations.
Since network security is a subset of Cyber security, one can say that Cyber security can handle almost everything network security handles. It also means that all network security implementations can be integrated into Cybersecurity effectively.
What Are The Main Differences Between Cyber Security And Information Security?
Just as network security is being compared to Cybersecurity, Cyber security is also often interchangeably used with information security.
Information security is a broader time, and just as network security is under Cybersecurity, the latter is also a subset of information security. While cyber space protects information within cyber space, information security protects data within cyber space and beyond.
Cyber security protects information and data from outside the internet resources while information security protects access to information from unauthorized users through data modification or removal to achieve confidentiality and higher integrity.
Cyber security is built against cyber crimes or fraud, and information security fights against external access disruption to data and information and disclosure modification. Cybers ecurity professionals often deal with advanced security threats. Information security professionals always prioritize resources ahead of threats.
While Cyber security may deal with threats existing in or outside cyber realms, including securing social media accounts and persona information, information security deals with securing information assets. Confidentiality and integrity of information are the most important goal of information security.
Cyber security is also expensive, and professionals can only deploy it. Information security requires the use of information system managers to handle; hence the running cost may be more than the initial installations. Network security can vary in terms of costs, and it also depends on the size and number of personnel deployed to manage such facilities.
When it comes to choosing between network security, Cyber security and information security, it all depends on the size of the organization or individuals in need of them. For instance, an individual has no business deploying Cybersecurity when no single individual is in control of the cyber space. Individuals can deploy network security to protect their minor local area network against viruses and malicious programs. On the other hand, a small business organization may need to secure its network and information through network security and information security.
Larger businesses will definitely require Cyber security more than small businesses and individuals because of their business data and information sensitivity. Data centers that control larger networks or wide area networks will also require larger cyber space security facilities considering the huge data transfer being handled in such places. When it comes to prices, it is obvious that information security is the more expensive option to implement among the three levels of securities.
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