4 Ways To Promote Your Business At Events

4 Ways To Promote Your Business At Events

Getting the word out about the products and services your business offers is more important than ever, given the increased reliance on digital channels for advertising and revenue.

Grassroots events are still just as valid – and finding ways to promote your business at in-person events is also something that needs to be considered. Not sure how to go about it? Here are some handy ways to promote your business at events you may go to.

Offer Branded Goods 

It isn’t gimmicky to offer branded goods to the people that attend events. It’s a fair bit of advertising that can reap real rewards. Consider printing personalized items like custom notepads, mugs, or pens that can be handed out for free and act as a handy reminder that ‘hey, we exist as a company – call us sometime!’

Any time the person looks at the item they’ll think about your business and it may prompt them to get in touch. Other people may also spot what you’ve given to others and ask pertinent questions about your business or be intrigued enough to make inquiries themselves. 

Consider Social Media

Social media still matters at in-person events. Even the smallest local community events often have hashtags on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram posts to let people know what’s going on and more importantly what they’re missing out on by NOT attending.

Using them whilst the event is taking place is another key way of sharing your presence and letting folks know you exist. Use your attendance at one event to promote your next one eg: “Missed us at #event? Don’t fret – come see us on [this date and time] at the next one!”. 

Host An Event Within An Event

Why not use the in-person event you’re at to host an event of your own? Invite attendees to come and talk to you, see what you’re promoting, and give them a flavor of what you can offer.

It’s a great way to connect, chat and meet up with potential new clients, customers, or even investors. It can be as formal or as informal as you please – from a coffee and cake get-together to a full-scale business presentation (still offer the coffee and cake incentive though!) 

Give Discount Offers Or Free Products And Services

Have some cards printed up with codes that only attendees of the event can use, offering a discount or some free goods/services that can be used if they either present the card in a store – or on your website.

This is a great way of helping ensure custom (and possibly repeat purchases). It’s a good chance to build up some trust between you and potential clients, whilst allowing the work you do to speak for itself.


Promoting your business at an in-person event isn’t as passe as it sounds these days. There are always ways of attracting new and exciting clientele to look at what you have to offer. In these days of increased digital communication, it can sometimes be great to simply get back to basics, get out there and talk to people one to one, to find out what they want from you and what you can offer them.