Top EdTech Trends For 2022 To Keep An Eye On

Top EdTech Trends For 2022 To Keep An Eye On

Education isn’t the same as it was before the pandemic. Now, digital devices and online education are the new normal that is dictating the trends for the foreseeable future. EdTech aims to simplify the processes, provide effective instruments, and help the learners achieve their educational goals. The current education system is more available, versatile, and intuitive than ever, and it keeps evolving.    

Many enterprises and SMBs take this opportunity as a chance to develop outstanding products that will make online education even more comprehensive and valid. 

However, since software development may cost a fortune if one decides to hire local developers, many businesses opt for remote specialists. They often choose between outsourcing vs outstaffing because these approaches save costs and facilitate all the processes.

Considering the constant changes in the EdTech industry, it’s critical for the companies to stay on the same page with the emerging trends. So, let’s take a look at some of the tendencies that will probably be sought-after in 2022. 

1. Personalized Guidance 

All the students have contrasting approaches to studying. Some prefer taking everything step by step without rushing, while others achieve better results when they are moving at a rapid pace. The educational programs have to address the needs of both types of learners, and that’s when AI comes into play. Artificial Intelligence helps identify students’ capabilities, providing a personalized interface on their virtual learning platforms.

2. eLearning Platforms

This trend results from the one mentioned above. Online informative platforms are a must for all educational institutions because they help organize all the required activities and materials students might need

With such platforms, it’s much easier for the teachers and learners to provide and receive feedback, as well as track the progress. 

3. Artificial Intelligence

AI streamlines the education process by improving communication with teachers, providing access to the relevant courses, and freeing up students’ time. As mentioned, it allows developing personalized learning plans by analyzing students’ strengths and weaknesses. Also, AI offers students to get extra help outside of the classroom by offering them to use AI tutors and chatbots. This is a great way to sharpen skills and improve weak spots outside the classroom. 

4. Gamification

Nodding off in classes isn’t the case anymore because gamification is aimed at transforming tedious tasks and complex learning topics into engaging, pleasurable activities. Gamification significantly increases engagement with online programs, knowledge recall, and greater retention. The learners forget they’re “working,” perceiving the learning process as an exciting game.  

5. VR/AR

It’s much easier to learn history or science when one can actually see the events or things discussed in the class. When the students can actually be teleported to historical sites or see the structures of isomers, they’re more likely to remember them better and notice explicit details. Also, the students can analyze past events due to the sense of presence in the environment discussed in class. 

6. Complementary Learning

Often, students are looking for opportunities to acquire knowledge from different fields other than the primary program they are pursuing. They manage to pay enough attention to their main course of study but look for ways to develop their skills in different areas. 

Their interests are often related to programming (Python, C++), public speaking, and leadership. 

So, developing flexible and affordable virtual courses is a go-to choice for many businesses. 

7. Big Data

Each student is different, so education institutions must help the learners achieve their goals. Big Data analytics allow understanding students’ needs and seeing who may need more support. 

Most students, especially online MBA learners, don’t have in-person support available to them. So, the schools are expected to pay close attention to learners’ performance to offer personalized support and enhance their engagement.

Big Data is a renowned tool for evaluating the results and seeing who is engaging and who isn’t. The data enables stimulating student involvement and engagement. Also, the students with similar learning patterns can be united into groups to help and learn from each other. 

Wrapping Up

These are just some of the EdTech trends expected to arise in 2022. Education is becoming more flexible, accessible, and immersive, helping students improve their performance and shifting their learning preferences.