Is London In Europe

Is London In Europe

Yes, London is part of the continent of Europe. Almost all of it, anyway. Just like there’s only one Earth and one planet that also goes by the name Blue Planet, there’s only one Europe. But just what is this European continent exactly? Where does it begin and end? Is it even a real place or just a group of different places under the same name? This article attempts to answer those questions and much more about this artificial construct we call “Europe”. Because let’s be honest: Not everyone knows everything about this region. And if you don’t, rest assured that you are not alone!

Is London In Europe?

Yes, London is in Europe London is in Europe because it is located on the continent of Eurasia. Eurasia is a landmass that encompasses Europe and Asia. It can be defined as the combined landmass of all of the continents of Europe and Asia (with the exception of Anatolia). Although there is no clear border that separates Europe and Asia, the traditional division is at the Ural Mountains. Therefore, London is located on the continent of Eurasia.

What Is The European Continent?

1. The British Isles Are Part Of Europe

Europe consists of the countries that formed from the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991, which are now split between the European Union and a loose association of countries known as the European Community. These include most (but not all) EU members except for Denmark, the UK, Sweden, and Finland which have opted to remain outside it. The community does have additional members in Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland though although it’s not clear if these are all considered to be part of Europe or if they form their separate confederations as some other countries from Eastern Europe do.

2. Europe Is Not A Single Entity

As I mentioned above, this “Europe” does consist of countries that have joined the European Union or are part of the European Community but there are quite a few other states in Europe that are either not members of the EU or not part of the community. These include countries such as Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, and San Marino which have chosen to remain outside both. Other states often thought of as being part of Europe such as Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan have also chosen not to join either.

3. Europe Has Seven Different Time Zones

If London is part of Europe, it’s in Europe’s only single time zone, which is called Central European Time. This means that if you live in London (or any other city on the British Isles) and travel to Madrid, you would probably have to adjust your watch by around an hour during daylight saving time (which is called Summer Time in the UK). In other words, because of this one-time zone rule, none of these places are considered Europe by themselves.

4. Europe’s Two Biggest States Are Neither European

Russia borders Europe in the East but is not a part of it. On the West, Azerbaijan borders Europe with Turkey and Iran but is not part of it either. Two other countries that border each other with Europe on the East (Kazakhstan and Russia) also do not fit into any “Europe” category for that reason and because they don’t want to be in it anyway!

5. Europe Has A Population Of 500 Million People

The EU is an organisation of 28 countries, of which the UK is not a member. It’s one of the most important organizations in the world but it only has half a billion members. London alone has over 8 million people so that’s nearly three times as many as all 28 countries put together! In terms of population, the European Union accounts for just less than 8% of the total worldwide population. The United States is the country with by far the most people inside its borders – by some reports, America has around 325 million more people than Europe does – and accounts for around 16% of the global population.

Which Countries Are In Europe?

1. European Union

The European Union is a political and economic union of 28 countries.

2. European Free Trade Association

The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) was established in 1960 by the Treaty of Rome, which was signed by Belgium, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Norway.

3. Eurozone (Europe)

The eurozone is a group of 19 countries that share the euro currency. It came into effect in 1999 when Greece joined.

4. Schengen Area (Europe)

The Schengen Area consists of 26 countries that are outside the EU but have agreed to adopt common standards for immigration and police cooperation within its borders. They are: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark (including Greenland), Estonia, Finland (including Åland Islands), France (including French overseas territories), Germany (including Switerzland), Greece (including the Dodecanese islands), Hungary, Iceland, Italy (including Sardinia and Sicily), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands (including Aruba, Curaçao, and Sint Maarten), Norway (including Svalbard), Poland, Portugal (including Azores), Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.

5. Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development (Oecd)

The OECD is a Paris-based international economic organization that aims to promote policies that improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world.

6. United Nations

The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 that has headquarters in New York City. Its mission is to contribute to peace and security by helping member countries achieve sustainable development and promote human rights around the world. It has five principal organs: the General Assembly; the Security Council; the Economic and Social Council; the Trusteeship Council; and the Secretariat.

So Why Does Everyone Say “London Is In Europe”?

  1. The UK is a member state of the EU and therefore, its citizens are entitled to travel to any of the other 28 nations in the European Union.
  2. Although England is not part of the Schengen area, it is still included in all non-Schengen countries covered by some form of visa agreement with the EU. Traveling through those countries – that simply aren’t part of Schengen – will usually require a visa either to enter or leave their country.
  3. Many people use the phrase ‘is in Europe’ because the UK is an island, therefore it isn’t part of a continent.
  4. We know that the UK is part of Europe – the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                                                    
  5. Some countries are not in either Europe or Asia, but they are so important to both continents that they are considered by many as being in both. These include Chad, Congo, Ivory Coast, Liberia, and Namibia.
  6. A country can be part of one continent but also have a different region which makes it part of another continent altogether – for example, Denmark and Greenland (which are both Scandinavian countries) are also part of North America (North America).

Summing Up

That’s a lot of information in one go! We hope we’ve cleared up any questions you might have had about the European continent. We’re almost certain that someone will still be asking, “What is the European continent?” after reading this article, though. In that case, we suggest you keep reading until the end—you might just find the answer you’re looking for!