Ultimate Guide On Dealing With Motorcycle Accident Claim

Ultimate Guide On Dealing With Motorcycle Accident Claim

It is never easy to deal with the aftermath of a motorcycle accident. It can be scary, confusing, and stressful all at once. You may have been injured in the crash, or it could have been a loved one who was involved in a collision with an automobile.

Regardless of your relationship with the victim, there are many steps you should take after any motorcycle accident that will help you get back on your feet faster and easier than if you had not taken these precautions. Here’s how you can protect both yourself and your loved ones from an insurance company’s scrutiny when dealing with motorcycle accidents.

What Should You Not Do After A Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycles have been involved in more accidents per mile travelled than any other type of vehicle on the road. Injuries and fatalities are also much higher for motorcyclists involved in accidents. If you are in a motorcycle accident, it is essential to know what not to do to protect yourself from further injury and increase your chances of recovering compensation for your injuries.

Road collisions are the number one cause of death for motorcyclists. When you or your loved ones get involved in one, it’s best to find Atlanta’s #1 motorcycle crash lawyer to ensure your rights are adequately protected and you get the compensation you deserve.

Here are six things you should not do after a motorcycle accident:

Do not leave the scene of the accident.

This is considered a crime in most states, and you can be charged with a felony if you leave the scene. Even if you think the other driver is at fault, it’s essential to stay on the scene so that you can speak to law enforcement officials and exchange insurance information. You may think your injuries are minor, but it’s best to err on the side of caution.

Do not remove evidence from the scene (i.e., items dropped or things dented in an accident).

A police officer will arrive at the scene of any collision involving a motorcycle and take pictures of the accident. This can be used as evidence if you pursue legal action against another party involved in the crash. If you move anything from its original position at the scene of an accident, it may invalidate any potential claim for compensation that you have.

Do not admit fault to anyone at the scene of the accident.

Do not admit fault to another person involved in an accident or to people who witnessed it, even if you think they are at fault for causing your injuries. It’s best to talk to a lawyer before speaking with anyone about what happened so that you can properly protect yourself and increase your chances of getting compensation.

Do not wait to seek medical attention.

Even if you think your injuries are minor, it’s essential to see a doctor as soon as possible after an accident. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, but they can still cause long-term damage if left untreated. Seeking medical attention also helps document the extent of your injuries if you decide to pursue legal action.

Do not speak to an insurance company representative before speaking with a lawyer.

Any insurance company representative will attempt to get you to admit fault and promise not to pursue legal action, but this is essentially an admission of guilt that could be used against you in court. It’s best for your rights and interests if you don’t talk about the accident until consulting with your lawyer.

Do not accept the first compensation offer that is made.

Insurance companies often try to settle claims quickly, significantly if you are seriously injured, or your loved one has died in a motorcycle accident. However, this doesn’t mean they will compensate you for your injuries and damages. Make sure you speak with your attorney to understand better what kind of settlement offer is reasonable and fair for all involved parties before accepting anything from the insurance company.

How Is Fault Determined In A Motorcycle Accident?

A fault is determined in a motorcycle accident by the police officer who responds to the scene. They will look at all of the evidence and testimony from witnesses to determine who was at fault for the collision. This can be tricky, as many times it’s not clear who is responsible. It may need to go to court to determine who is at fault in these cases.

There are a few things that the police officer will consider when determining fault:

  • The position of the motorcycles at the time of the accident.

If one motorcycle was in front of the other, the driver in front is often considered at fault. If both bikes travel side by side, determining who is at fault can be more difficult.

  • The speed of the motorcycles at the time of the accident.

If one motorcycle was going significantly faster than the other, the driver who was going slower is often considered at fault.

  • The actions of each driver leading up to the accident.

Did one driver make a sudden move that caused the collision? Was someone driving recklessly? These circumstances can make a driver more at fault for causing the accident.

  • Documents were obtained from the motorcycle involved in an accident.

These documents will show whether or not a vehicle was maintained correctly and who owned it, which is valuable information when determining fault after a crash. These records should be requested by your lawyer to be used as evidence in court.

Final Words

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, it is essential to seek legal representation as soon as possible. This will help ensure you get the compensation that you deserve.