The Future Of Instagram Stories: Predictions And Trends To Watch

The Future Of Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories have been a popular way for users to connect with their fans. When someone posts a Story, it’s available for 24 hours, and then it’s gone for good unless a user chooses to archive it. Stories can be a fantastic way for users to create limited-time content that keeps their fans returning to their profile. If you buy views on Instagram Story posts, it can also be a way to attract newcomers to the algorithm.

With 2023 being nearly halfway done, let’s look at some trends to look out for regarding the future of Instagram Stories.

First, They’re Going Nowhere

Instagram Stories are here to stay. They can be a lightning rod to get people interested in your brand or your personality, with some stats saying that it can increase interest by as much as 68%. Even people skeptical of what Stories can do are warming up to them and even contributing to their own stories.

Stories have grown to popularity that a lot of other sites are also using them. Facebook is, and for a while Twitter warmed up to the idea of it.  While it disappeared, many content creators still use these for the sole reason that they’re easy to put together, so it’s worth using.

A lot of people look at Instagram stories, and it can boost your reach too, so it’s worth mentioning that you can increase your follower presence with it.

In other words, if you have not used Stories, now is a chance to do so. They are only going to become more popular as time flies by.

More People Will Add Links To Their Stories

Recently, Instagram has allowed all users to add links to their Stories. Before, users with 10k or more followers were the only ones who could do it. However, recently, users under 10k discovered they could add links.

We suspect that more people will add links to their Stories. Adding links can be an excellent way to drive traffic to another website. Because Stories disappear after 24 hours, they can be a tool for flash sales or other limited-time offers.

For a lot of creators, using links is a great way to get people interested in the content that’s shared. If you have a specific channel or a website you wish to show off, doing so through story links will get people interested.

On Stories, links can also be less salesy. Many users will use Stories for memes or behind-the-scenes looks at their brand and cleverly integrate a link somewhere. Some also will use pictures of some of the products that they market, getting people interested in the content without screaming in their face that it’s a sales item, which is pretty useful in a lot of instances.

More Usage In Add Yours

Instagram added another feature to Stories: Add Yours. This feature allows users to respond to Stories via a public thread. Stickers can come in quizzes, polls, and other interactive ways for your audience to engage. For instance, if someone wants to check in for a certain event, having a chance to add your own will boost your engagement and presence.

As an Instagram user, you want your audience to feel like they are participating in a discussion and are a part of something bigger. Add Yours can be the perfect tool for you to do this. Even a simple question like “What TV show are you watching?” can make your audience feel wanted and benefit you by giving you unique suggestions. This can also help with linking up with other creators, as they’ll see what you’re posting, and maybe that’ll generate a follow because they like the content that’s seen.

You can click on Add Yours to add stickers, which you can use to ask questions. Many users will add questions that are relevant to their business, but some will also add casual questions that can intrigue their audience. Even small talk questions can bring exciting discussions and insights into your audience.

Using Stories To Tell A Story

Another trend we have been noticing is how creatively people will use Stories to tell a story, whether creative or personal. Because of how disposable they are, many people will stick to your profile to hear the next part of it. Not archiving your Stories can create a sense of FOMO, leading people to check out everything you offer. Stories are a great, personalized tool and a lot of times, people will listen if you get up there, make a video, and showcase everything that you wish to say. It boosts your audience engagement and will help as well with building a unique presence with others.

Using Stories For DMs

Finally, many users are using Stories to communicate with their users directly. Stories can have a prompt to reply. This is a great way to meet some of the people that you follow, or if there are inquires and interest, they can message you through the story to get that question answered.  Some smaller users will want to speak to their fans directly, while more significant users may have a chatbot to communicate with their followers. When you post a Story, see if you can give a call to action that allows fans to reply with their own thoughts. There are so many ways you can use Stories to talk with the people who care the most.


In 2023, Stories are still rising. There haven’t been significant changes, but how people use them does evolve. If you’re using Instagram and not bothering with the Stories feature, you may need to rethink your content strategy. Many people are discovering the power of Stories, as they can help users retain their fans or add newcomers to their content.

We hope this article has been helpful. Now that you know more about Story trends try making a few of your own that are fun, exciting, or get a conversation going.