The Evidence You Need To Collect To Win A Motorcycle Accident Case

The Evidence You Need To Collect To Win A Motorcycle Accident Case

Motorcycles make life more fun and thrilling. They offer an experience that no other vehicle can. Driving a motorcycle makes getting to point B from point A more enjoyable.

However, these vehicles are not as safe as cars. Motorcycles account for only 3% of all vehicles but are responsible for 14% of traffic fatalities. This statistic proves that this is a dangerous mode of transportation.

Victims can obtain compensation with the help of motorcycle accident attorneys if the accident was a result of someone else’s negligence. 

Motorcycle Accident Claim

Victims can recover the losses they incurred due to the accident by filing a motorcycle accident claim. The victim bears the burden of proof. They must provide substantial evidence to prove the negligence of the at-fault party.

They must prove the four elements of personal injury law:

  • Duty of care
  • Breach of duty of care
  • Causation 
  • Damages

To prove these elements, evidence is necessary.

Evidence To Collect In A Motorcycle Accident Claim

You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to collect evidence. Following an accident, you should collect the following evidence:

  • Photos and videos
  • Police report
  • Documentation of your expenses
  • Witness statements
  • Expert testimony

Photos And Videos

A picture is worth a thousand words. This statement is very true when it comes to proving negligence in motorcycle accident claims. Take pictures and videos of the following:

  • The damage to your vehicle
  • Your injuries
  • Skid marks
  • Traffic signs

This evidence can paint a clear picture of what went down to the insurance adjusters.

Police Report

It is mandatory to report the accident to the authorities, even if it is a minor one. It is illegal to leave the accident site before the police arrive. After arriving at the accident scene, the police will draft a report. The report will contain the following:

  • Important details of the accidents, like location, date, and time
  • Statements of the involved parties
  • Statements of witnesses
  • Photos and videos of the accident scene

Since the report was made by the police, insurance adjusters and juries find it more reliable than any other evidence.

Documentation Of Your Expenses

You need to show that you have suffered damages. If you haven’t suffered damages because of the accident, you cannot file a claim. Damage is the final element of personal injury law.

You can prove this element by documenting the bills you incur as a result of the accident. Medical bills and property repair costs are some expenses you need to document.

Witness Statements

The at-fault party will have their own version of the accident, just like you. A witness can add a new perspective to the story. Their statement will support either your version or the at-fault party’s version. 

You need to collect the statements of witnesses at the accident scene. 

Expert Testimony

For this evidence, you will need the help of an experienced lawyer. Motorcycle accident lawyers will have connections with expert witnesses who can help your case.

Expert witnesses are people who are experts in a field and can provide insights into the case without having to witness the accident.For example, a doctor can act as an expert witness and provide crucial information like how severe the injuries are and how long it will take to recover completely.

Final Thoughts

It is difficult to collect evidence when you are hurt. Your focus should be on your recovery. It is best to hire a lawyer and let them do all this.They will have connections with skilled investigators who can look into the accident and collect evidence that can win your case. 

So hire a lawyer and focus on your recovery.