Corporate Wellness: 3 Essential Ways To Earn The Loyalty Of Employees And Counteract Quiet Quitting

Corporate Wellness

Quiet quitting is a term used to describe employees who do the minimum requirements of their job and put in no more time, effort, or enthusiasm than absolutely necessary. It is a way for employees to deal with burnout and alleviate stress, and it may also indicate that they are not happy in their position or are ready to change positions. However, there are methods that employers may apply in order to earn the loyalty of their employees. The following article introduces 3 promising methods.

What Is Quiet Quitting And Is It Really A Problem?

In today’s fast-paced work environment, it is easy for employees to feel undervalued and overlooked. A 2022 Gallup survey suggested that at least half of the U.S. workforce consists of quiet quitters.

Some signs of quiet quitting include not attending meetings, arriving late or leaving early, and not accepting additional work without additional pay. That is indeed a concern for employers. 

However, by taking the time to appreciate and recognize their hard work, businesses can create a culture of loyalty, increasing productivity and reducing turnover rates. The following suggestions help employers in earning their employees’ loyalty.

1. Create a culture of appreciation in the workplace

In order to enhance employee loyalty and prevent quiet quitting, creating a culture of appreciation in the workplace is crucial. When employees feel valued and recognized for their contributions, it fosters a sense of belonging and motivation, leading to increased loyalty towards the organization.

Here are three practical steps to create a culture of appreciation:

  • Executive gratitude
  • Feedback culture
  • Reward programs

Firstly, executives should lead by example. By openly expressing gratitude and recognizing achievements, they set the tone for a culture of appreciation. Encourage managers to regularly acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of their team members, both privately and publicly.

Secondly, establish regular feedback mechanisms. Encourage open and constructive communication between managers and employees. This could include one-on-one meetings, performance evaluations or anonymous feedback surveys. By providing consistent and constructive feedback and recognizing employees’ progress and achievements, a culture of appreciation is reinforced.

Moreover, positive feedback can have a ripple effect, inspiring and motivating others to perform at their best. When employees witness their colleagues receiving recognition for their hard work, it creates a culture of achievement and inspires others to strive for excellence as well. 

Lastly, implement recognition programs and rewards. This can be done through formal recognition programs like “Employee of the Month” or “Top Performer Awards” or more informal methods such as team shout-outs or personalized thank you notes. 

Tangible rewards, such as bonuses, gift cards or additional benefits, can also serve as powerful incentives to promote employee loyalty and retention. 

By creating a culture of appreciation in the workplace, organizations foster a positive and supportive environment, ultimately leading to stronger employee loyalty and ideally preventing the phenomenon of quiet quitting.

A culture of appreciation in the workplace is key to building a strong and dedicated workforce. It is an investment that pays off in terms of increased employee retention and overall organizational success.

2. Offer competitive compensation and additional benefits

Employees want to feel like they are being fairly compensated for their work. Make sure your salaries and benefits are competitive, and consider offering additional perks, such as flexible work arrangements or tuition reimbursement.

Employees want to feel like they are being fairly compensated for their work. This means that their salary should be competitive with the salaries of other employees in similar positions at other companies. It also means that their benefits should be competitive, such as health insurance, retirement savings plans, and paid time off.

In addition to offering competitive salaries and benefits, employers can also consider offering additional performance incentives, such as flexible work arrangements or tuition reimbursement. 

Flexible work arrangements can allow employees to work from home or have a more flexible schedule, which can help them balance their work and personal lives. Tuition reimbursement can help employees pay for the cost of continuing education, which can help them advance their careers.

By offering competitive salaries and benefits, as well as additional perks, employers can show employees that they value their contributions and are committed to their long-term success. This can help to reduce the risk of quiet quitting.

3. Corporate Wellness Program

Wellness programs are another way to counteract a trend towards quiet quitting. First, gather your employees’ thoughts regarding office wellness and what it means to them. Act accordingly and establish a program that takes wellness into account.

Mostly, corporate wellness is concerned with a healthy diet, a habit of drinking enough water and various fitness programs – for teams and individuals. There are additional aspects such as virtual events for remote workers, team activities and awards.

Adopting a healthy eating habit can enhance immunity, elevate people’s mood, and promote heart health, among other benefits. While our dietary choices greatly impact our well-being, it is essential to promote healthy eating with compassion. 

Providing healthy snacks and catering might also have an educational effect on staff, but an eating habit should never be forced on employees. Rather than enforcing restrictive diets, leaders can support their team members by subsidizing expenses related to nutritious food and organizing informative cooking classes focused on healthy eating.

Water is also a crucial part of a healthy diet. Staying properly hydrated by drinking water not only enhances overall well-being but also helps alleviate headaches and offers numerous other benefits.

To promote a healthy water intake among employees, organizations can provide access to high-quality water sources and distribute company-branded, reusable water bottles. This initiative not only encourages hydration but also helps reduce waste by promoting the use of reusable containers.

Furthermore, to promote employee well-being at work, organizations should emphasize the benefits of physical exercise and establish opportunities for employees to be physically active. This can be done by offering gym memberships, organizing yoga classes, or other similar initiatives. 

In addition, some companies offer wellness reimbursements, which assist employees in covering exercise-related expenses. By doing so, organizations empower their staff to choose the physical activities that best suit their needs and preferences.

An important note:

It is crucial to prioritize mental health in employee engagement initiatives and foster a positive and supportive work environment. The presence of stressed employees can have negative effects on performance, resulting in reduced productivity, increased absenteeism, and higher insurance costs for employers.

Organizations should establish a comprehensive mental health policy that outlines the desired well-being of employees and clarifies expectations from both sides. This approach ensures that employees feel valued and have a safe space to address any issues they may be facing.


In conclusion, the power of an appreciative culture, positive feedback, competitive salaries and a variety of perks cannot be underestimated when it comes to unlocking the potential of employees and fostering employee loyalty. By providing regular and genuine appreciation for their contributions, employers can create a culture of recognition that enhances employee satisfaction, commitment, and motivation.