A Brief Guide To Hiring Offshore Dedicated Development Team For Startups

A Brief Guide To Hiring Offshore Dedicated Development Team For Startups

According to a recent report by Manpower, the global talent shortages have reached a 16-year-high, especially in the IT industry in bigger economies like China and the U.S. Startups are now seeking innovative and cost-effective ways to get their products and services to market faster. One such way is to hire an offshore dedicated development team.

What Is An Offshore Dedicated Development Team?

Offshore dedicated development teams are the dedicated software teams of developers who are based in a country other than where the client company they are working for is located. This arrangement is often used by companies who want to save money on labor costs, as software developers in countries with a lower cost of living can be hired for a fraction of the price of those in developed countries.

Why Should Startups Hire An Offshore Dedicated Development Team?

There are several reasons why startups might want to consider hiring an offshore dedicated development team.

Proper team structure and management

The first reason is that an offshore team can be structured and managed in such a way that it functions just like an in-house team. The right offshore partner will have the experience and expertise to help you put together a team of developers with the skills and experience your startup needs. And they will manage the team on your behalf, so you can focus on running your business.

In addition, an offshore partner can provide you with the infrastructure and support you need to scale your tech team up or down as your business grows. This flexibility can be extremely valuable for startups, who often experience rapid growth and need to be able to adapt their workforce quickly.

Cost Savings

The second reason to consider hiring an offshore dedicated development team is that it can save your startup a significant amount of money. As mentioned before, developers in countries with lower costs of living can be hired for much less than developers in developed countries. For example, a developer in India might cost $30,000 per year, while a developer in the United States might cost $100,000 per year. That’s a savings of $70,000 per year per developer. If your startup is working with a tight budget, these cost savings can be extremely helpful.

Access to a global talent pool

As mentioned earlier in this article, IT businesses around the world are suffering from the shortage of tech talent, and that is one of the reasons leading them to hire an offshore dedicated development team is that it gives you access to a global talent pool. There are many talented developers in countries all over the world, and an offshore partner can help you tap into this vast resource. This is especially valuable for startups who might not be able to find the talent they need locally.

Improved time-to-market

Hiring an offshore dedicated development team is that it can help you get your product to market faster. An offshore partner can help you staff up quickly and get your product developed and launched with less time than when you were to do it all yourself. This is because an offshore partner already has a team of developers in place and knows how to get work done efficiently.

Professionalism and quality

The fifth reason to consider hiring an offshore dedicated development team is that you can expect a higher level of professionalism and quality from an experienced partner. A good offshore partner will have a proven track record of delivering quality work on time and on budget. They will also have the resources and infrastructure in place to support your project and ensure that it is successful.

Time savings

The sixth reason to consider hiring an offshore dedicated development team is that it can save you a significant amount of time. When you work with an offshore partner, you don’t have to spend time recruiting and training developers. This can be a huge time-saver for startups, who often don’t have the time or resources to do this themselves.

Risk reduction

When hiring an offshore dedicated development team is that it can help you reduce your risks. When you work with an experienced offshore partner, they will assume the majority of the risks associated with your project. This eases your mind and enables you to focus on other aspects of your business.

Good communication

The eighth reason to consider hiring an offshore dedicated development team is that you can expect good communication. A good offshore partner will have systems and processes in place to ensure that communication is smooth and effective. They will also be available to answer your questions and address your concerns in a timely manner.


Hiring an offshore dedicated development team is that it can provide you with a high degree of flexibility. An experienced offshore partner will be able to scale your team up or down as needed, depending on the needs of your business. This can be extremely valuable for startups, who often need to be able to adapt their workforce quickly.

Improved focus

The tenth and final reason to consider hiring an offshore dedicated development team is that it can help you improve your focus. When you work with an offshore partner, you can outsource the majority of your development work and free your time and effort to focus on other aspects of your business. This can be extremely helpful for startup founders, who often have to wear many hats and juggle multiple responsibilities.

See? There are so many good reasons to take hiring an offshore dedicated development team into consideration. If you’re a startup founder, this is definitely something you should keep in mind as you build your business. It can help you save not only a lot of money and time but also hassle in the long run.

A Few Tips And Tricks To Choosing The Best Offshore Partner

If you’re convinced that hiring an offshore dedicated development team is the right decision for your startups, the next step is to find the right offshore partner. There are a few things you should keep in mind when choosing an offshore partner.

  • One of the most important things to do is to ensure that the company has experience working with startups with the ultimate purpose of understanding your unique needs and requirements.
  • Secondly, you need to ensure that the service company is reputable and has a good track record. To do that, you can check online reviews or ask for references from other startups.
  • Thirdly, you should make sure that the company is transparent and easy to communicate with. You should be able to get regular updates on the progress of your project and have access to a dedicated point of contact.
  • Finally, you should make sure that the service provider offers a fair price. You don’t want to overspend on your development work, but you also don’t want to cut corners.