Keeping It Real: Transparency in New Hire Onboarding

new employee

Did you know that 88% of employees think they had a poor onboarding experience with their employers? That’s more bad than good!

If you’re now wondering about your onboarding process, chances are, you can make huge improvements to it. The first thing you can do is start being more transparent, as this builds much better trust between you and your new employees.

Read on to find out how you can be transparent in new hire onboarding.

Be Upfront About Duties for the Job

For many startups, it’s very common for employees to step outside of the traditional duties of their roles. Everyone’s expected to pitch in extra, as the success of the company means the success of their careers.

While that’s true, it’s still good to be upfront about duties for the job your newhires have been hired for. It might also be a good idea to mention that they may have to think outside the box sometimes, so they’re not caught offguard.

Discuss Company Values

Company values and morals are often overlooked during onboarding in favor of “more important details,” such as corporate computer usage rules and more. But the fact is, company values are just as important, if not more vital to know!

Your company values are what define you as a brand. So if your employees don’t know what your business values, morals, and culture are like, chances are, they’re not going to fit in, nor are they going to have a good time. They might even make a faux pas with clients!

Sit Down and Discuss All the Administrative Details

This might be your newhire’s first job, so they may not understand things like pay schedules and the lines on their paychecks. Or they might not understand how exactly they should take time off work.

Make sure you sit down with them to discuss these important details so they’re clear on how things work.

If you’ve hired a remote team, this is still important to do. This is especially true if they’re hired on as freelancers and not employees. For example, you should go through check stub templates with them to ensure they understand how they’re paid and how their checks will look different from a regular employee’s.

Encourage Open Communication

The best way to have a transparent workplace is to encourage open communication. After all, how are you supposed to know employees are unhappy if you don’t invite them to voice their thoughts and concerns?

Make it known that you have a safe space for them and that anything they say won’t be held against them. This can help facilitate trust and encourage them to be more open.

New Hire Onboarding Made Easy

With this short guide, you should now have a better time being transparent with new hire onboarding. This is your chance to turn that 88% of dissatisfaction to satisfaction, so make sure you take full advantage of our tips here!

For more articles like this one on new employee onboarding, please take a look at the rest of our blog section now.