Meeting Developmental Milestones With HiPP’s Staged Milk Formulas

Meeting Developmental Milestones With HiPP's Staged Milk Formulas

Infant development is an incredibly fascinating journey that begins in the first days of life and is particularly active throughout the first year. A baby goes through the most critical physical, psychological, and social phases during this time. Let’s take a look at the peculiarities of a baby’s development month by month until his or her first birthday. The first year of a baby’s life is divided into different stages, each bringing new achievements and changes.

The importance of a balanced diet for the proper growth and development of babies

A balanced diet plays a crucial role in the development of a baby. Everyone knows breastfeeding is the best source of nutrition for babies in the first six months, according to the WHO recommendations. In the case of bottle-feeding or mixed feeding, an essential factor in ensuring that your baby gets all the nutrients he or she needs is the choice of baby formula. Always choose your baby’s formula according to your pediatrician’s recommendations. Once your baby’s nutritional needs have been determined, it is important to stay aware of the vast number of brands and options for infant formula. HIPP, as the world leader in organic baby food, offers quality and safe baby formula options for all stages of your baby’s early development. For the best shopping experience, you can easily find the right baby formula and buy it here.

Infant’s development 1-2 months

The first months of life is a time of adaptation of all systems to the autonomous existence of the baby – breathing, thermoregulation, nutrition, and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the baby with optimally comfortable conditions so that the adaptation is successful. At first, consistent feeding and sleeping schedules.

A good night’s sleep indicates a healthy emotional system. Everything is within normal limits if the baby has:

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀- nighttime sleep with waking up for one or two feedings;

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀- feedings every hour or two and then naps;

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀- daily sleep duration of no more than 10-12 hours.

Infant’s development 3-4 months

At 3-4 months, the baby reaches a significant physical and psychological milestone. This period of development is characterized by greater interaction with the environment. The baby can respond to sounds and movements by turning his or her head toward the source of interest and becomes more interested in interacting with other people and objects. Sleep and feeding remain essential aspects of the day. The parent’s task is to make the outside environment safe and allow the baby to explore the outside world.

Infant’s development 5-6 months

At 5-6 months, babies usually start getting complementary foods, and their taste and sense of smell experience powerful sensory stimulation. Now, parents are setting the baby’s taste preferences and eating patterns for life. Create a healthy diet from the beginning by providing various vegetables and fruits. The baby can already combine the mother’s voice with her personality and distinguish emotions and intonations, familiar and unfamiliar voices. They show empathy – they can be sad or happy with their parents.

HIPP formula options for babies 1-6 months:

HiPP Organic PRE Formula is based on organic cow’s milk/goat’s milk, suitable for formula or mixed feeding from birth. It consists of 100% natural organic ingredients. It is not only safe for the baby’s health but also has a beneficial effect.

PRE formula does not contain starch, chemical colors and preservatives, GMOs, gluten, or sugar.

HiPP Organic PRE is enriched with L-carnitine and a set of amino acids, vitamins, and trace elements for better fat absorption.

HiPP Combiotic Formula Stage 1 is another suitable organic formula for babies 0-6 months. This formula does not contain gluten, sugar, and emulsifiers. According to European legislative requirements for baby food, Combiotic 1 is non-GMO, made without dyes, preservatives, and flavorings.

HiPP Combiotic baby formula has a unique protective complex similar to breast milk, containing probiotics and prebiotics to support the baby’s healthy digestion.

When babies are over 6 months, they are switched to a follow-on formula or Stage 2 formula.

Infant’s development 7-8 months

That’s the time when the baby begins to socialize and tries to imitate his or her parents in everything.

Physical development:

  • the baby sits up confidently;
  • tries to stand on his/her feet, holding the side of the crib;
  • crawls well;
  • shows interest in new foods and drinks from a cup with the support of an adult;

During this period, the baby shows an active interest in various toys. The baby increasingly copies the behavior of adults. Babies also learn their favorite songs and rhymes at this age and can ask parents to play or sing any of them. They try to pronounce the first words and imitate sounds. At this age, you can also begin to learn the names of body parts, the names of animals, and the sounds they make.

HIPP formula options for babies over 6 months:

HiPP’s scientific experts in infant nutrition have developed a new generation of HiPP Combiotic milk formula with probiotics and prebiotics that best meet the baby’s nutritional needs.

HiPP Combiotic Formula Stage 2 (6-10 Months) is designed for your baby’s healthy growth and development from 6 months.

HiPP Goat Milk Formula Stage 2 (6-12 Months) is based on A2 organic goat’s milk, which promotes better product digestion and contains:

  • GOS from organic lactose (which is a complete substitute for lactose from breast milk).
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for infants’ vision.
  • It is also free of gluten, colorings, preservatives, flavorings, and GMOs.

Infant’s development 9-12 months

Meanwhile, your little one will be surprising you more and more with his or her achievements.

Physical development:

  • the baby sits confidently, keeping a straight back;
  • walks with the help of adults;
  • actively tries new foods;
  • the baby’s teeth are still erupting, which can make him/her often cranky and have trouble sleeping;
  • many conscious movements appear.

At 10-12 months, a baby reaches many developmental milestones. The baby can react to other people’s emotions and try to understand them. The child can explore the surrounding world by grabbing different objects, eating independently, using a spoon, or trying to grab food with his or her hands. At this stage of development, the child’s sleep becomes more consistent and long-lasting. The baby can show different emotions and react to them.

HIPP formula options for babies over 10 months:

HiPP Combiotic Formula Stage 3 (10+ Months)

HiPP Goat Milk Formula Stage 3 (12+ Months)

In addition to the classic Hipp formulas based on cow’s and goat’s milk, the brand offers formulas for the special nutritional needs of babies, which are also divided into stages depending on the age of the baby:

HIPP HA Formula is the latest generation of hypoallergenic HIPP formulas. The formula meets all the special needs of allergy-prone babies and contains deeply broken-down protein, which helps to reduce the risk of allergic reactions.

HIPP “Anti-Reflux” Formula contains carob gum, increasing the milk formula’s density. Thicker foods are better retained in the stomach, which helps to reduce spitting up.