Is Dehumidifier Water Distilled?: Discover The Truth

Is Dehumidifier Water Distilled

Have you ever wondered if the water you collect from a dehumidifier is really distilled? Well, you’re not alone! Many people are curious about this and it’s a great question to ask. After all, it’s important to know what kind of water we’re drinking and using for our everyday needs. The truth is, dehumidifier water is not distilled, but it is still safe to drink. Despite this, there are some important factors to consider before using dehumidifier water. By reading this article, you’ll learn the truth about dehumidifier water, understand the pros and cons of using it, and find out the best ways to make sure you’re getting the most out of it. So, let’s dive in and discover the truth about dehumidifier water – is it really distilled or not?

Is Dehumidifier Water Distilled?

No, dehumidifier water is not distilled. Although there are many types of dehumidifiers that use different processes to extract moisture from the air, none of them rely on distillation as a method of extraction.

How To Ensure The Quality Of Dehumidifier Water

1. Test the dehumidifier water regularly.

Regular testing is important to confirm that the water quality meets your desired standards. Testing should be done at least once a month with an appropriate test kit, and more frequently if needed depending on usage.

2. Clean and maintain the dehumidifier.

Dirt and debris can find their way into the dehumidifier and contaminate the water, so it is important to routinely clean and maintain the device. This includes regularly checking for clogs, changing out filters, and cleaning surfaces in contact with the water.

3. Get your dehumidifier serviced regularly.

It is best practice to have your dehumidifier serviced annually by a professional to ensure that it is functioning correctly and at its best. This helps keep the water free from contaminants and of the highest quality possible.

4. Change out the dehumidifier water regularly.

The dehumidifier should be emptied and refilled with fresh, clean water every few weeks or whenever visible contaminants are present. This helps maintain the quality of the water and prevent any build-up in the system.

5. Use an appropriate filtration system.

If possible, it is best to use a filtration system that removes contaminants from the dehumidifier water before they have time to accumulate. This will help keep the water free from contaminants and of the highest quality.

6. Monitor the environment of the dehumidifier.

It is important to make sure that the area around the dehumidifier is clean and well ventilated, as this will reduce the risk of contaminants entering into the system. This will help ensure that the water remains of high quality for a longer period of time.

7. Use high-quality water when filling the dehumidifier.

Using higher quality water to fill the dehumidifier will reduce the risk of contaminants entering into the system or build up over time. This can help ensure that the water stays clean and free from pollutants, leading to better results.

8. Consider using a water softener.

If your water is particularly hard or has a high mineral content, it can lead to build-up in the system that affects the quality of the water. A water softener can help reduce this issue and ensure that the dehumidifier water remains of high quality for longer.

9. Install a UV light.

Installing a UV light near the dehumidifier can help kill bacteria and other contaminants in the water, giving you better results. This is especially beneficial if you are using the water for drinking or bathing, as it will make sure that any contaminants are eliminated before use.

Pros Of Using Dehumidifier Water

  1. Dehumidifier water can be used to water plants as it is free of harmful minerals and chemicals. The lack of calcium, magnesium and other minerals that can build up in tap water makes it ideal for use on delicate plants. It also has a relatively low pH level which helps acid-loving plants to thrive.
  2. Dehumidifier water is also beneficial for cleaning carpets and rugs. It can be used to remove dirt, dust, and other debris from the fibers of the carpet without leaving any traces of minerals or chemicals behind. This makes it ideal for deep-cleaning carpets and rugs as it won’t leave a residue that could be potentially damaging.
  3. Another use for dehumidifier water is in the laundry room. It can be used to pre-treat stains on fabrics or as a fabric softener. The lack of mineral content means that it won’t leave any unsightly residue behind and will help get rid of tough stains without damaging the fabric. 
  4. Dehumidifier water can also be used for cooking and baking as it does not contain any of the minerals or chemicals that are present in tap water. This makes it ideal for making soups, sauces, and other dishes where you want to avoid any unwanted flavors that could be present if using regular tap water.
  5. Finally, dehumidifier water can be used in aquariums as it is free of chlorine and other minerals that can be found in tap water. This makes it a safe option for fish and other aquatic creatures that need to stay healthy and happy. It also won’t alter the pH balance of the water, making it easier to maintain the aquarium.

Cons Of Using Dehumidifier Water

  1. Using dehumidifier water can be harmful to plants, as it contains too much chlorine, which can burn and damage the roots.
  2. Dehumidifier water also contains a high concentration of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, which can cause mineral buildup in soil over time. This can affect the ability of plants to take up nutrients, leading to poor growth.
  3. Dehumidifier water can also promote the growth of mold and bacteria in soil, which can be harmful to plants and humans alike.
  4. Additionally, dehumidifier water is not always reliable as a source of moisture for plants. It may not be available when needed, and it can be difficult to keep track of how much water has been collected.
  5. Finally, using dehumidifier water can be costly in the long run, as purchasing a dehumidifier is an initial investment that needs ongoing maintenance and energy costs.  Therefore, it may not be the best option for those on a budget.

Different Types Of Dehumidifier Water

1. Desiccant dehumidifier water

This type of water is created by a desiccant dehumidifier, which uses an absorbent material to draw moisture from the air. The water produced is highly pure and free of minerals and other contaminants.

2. Refrigerant dehumidifier water

This type of water is produced by a refrigerant dehumidifier, which uses refrigerant to cool the air and condense the moisture into liquid form. The resulting water can contain some minerals and other contaminants, depending on the quality of the air being processed.

3. Absorption dehumidifier water

This type of water is created by an absorption dehumidifier, which uses a chemical solution to absorb moisture from the air. The resulting liquid contains some dissolved minerals, but it is generally considered safe for use in most applications.

4. Adsorption dehumidifier water

This type of water is created by an adsorption dehumidifier, which uses a dry material to absorb moisture from the air. The resulting liquid is usually pure and free of minerals and other contaminants.

5. Compressed air dehumidifier water

This type of water is created by a compressed air dehumidifier, which forces air through a filter to remove moisture. The resulting liquid is usually free of minerals and other contaminants, but it may contain some dissolved gasses.


When it comes to dehumidifier water, there’s a lot to consider. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of using dehumidifier water, understand the different types of water, and take the necessary steps to ensure the quality and safety of the water. By following these tips, you can make sure you’re getting the most out of your dehumidifier water and using it safely. So, the truth is out – dehumidifier water is not distilled, but it is still safe to drink.